Friday, December 4, 2009

Seven tips to fix bad swimming

This is a great article about how to fix bad swimming habits. I identified several of my own bad habits that I'm going to try working on the next time I'm in the pool.

In need of a new diet plan

When I started this whole triathlon thing I weighed just over 265 pounds. I realize that trying to pull that much weight through water, pedal it on a bike or carry it over a 5K run was going to be hard. So I've been trying to lose the weight, or at least transfer fat to muscle.

I dropped to about 255 in about a month, but over the last few weeks I've started to add back on weight so that I'm back up to 260. I realize that I've added in some muscle, but I can still feel the fat.

I realize that over the next few weeks I won't be able to cut much weight, with vacation and Holidays coming up. But I don't want to gain any, either.

One thing I love is meat. Growing up as a farm kid, it's in my blood. This is an interesting video about how to eat meat "responsibly". Save for the eroneous comments about hormones and antibiotics--we all know there aren't antibiotics in meat and there are exponentially more estrogen precursors in a salad than a steak--his ideas are pretty good.