Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Twitter TIme Trial

Lance Armstrong and Chris Lieto (2nd place in Ironman Championship last year) competed in a TTT - Twitter Time Trial today on the Big Island of Hawaii. Lance won the 14-mile race by 15 seconds. It's said that Lance will do the Ironman championships next year - that would be fun to watch.

Here's the picture of Lance's final time.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Where have you gone, Joe Triathlete?

Well, I'm back. It's been two months since I wrote my last post. Since then I have been training, but not full time. I took about three weeks off over the Holidays to go with my family to Disney, enjoy Christmas and enjoy New Years.

So how am I doing? I'm still struggling with swimming, but I can at least go the required distance. It just takes twice as long as I need it to. I can swim 10 laps in 20 minutes - needs to take me 10. So I'm going to have a couple of lessons and see if that helps.

My running is fine - I can do the three miles without a problem. I haven't biked since November, mostly because we've had snow on the ground and we haven't had many mornings above 15 degrees. Once it wamrs up in a couple of weeks I'll start again. I'm not too worried about it.

One thing I have realized is how hard it is to train in the winter. Cold weather sucks. I really hate having to put on three layers of clothes just to go out for a run. It takes motivation just to get out of bed in the morning, and takes even more motivation when it's dark and cold. So I don't think I'll do a spring triathlon again. I'd much rather workout during warmer weather.

Still not sure I'll be able to make the triathlon I want to do at the end of April. It all depends on the swim. If not, I'll definately do the one in September. But we'll wait and see.

So I'm up and blogging again. Give me a shout out if there's anything you want me to talk about.